Our Classic Sympathy Bouquet are a mix of whites, creams, neutrals and greens. Either in a Box Bouquet (in water) or a Wrapped Hand Tie (out of water).
Photo shows box bouquet and wrapped hand tie out of water.
Please give at least 24 hours notice, if possible. If we can deliver on the day we will.
Flowers will be seasonal and chosen on quality and freshness. Due to the availability of certain colours and flowers through the seasons, your bouquet may not be exactly as requested, but we promise to make it as close to what your preference is as possible.
Our bouquets are all unique and consist of an array of fresh, seasonal flowers these are priced per indiviual stem, during the high seasonal times certain flower prices may fluctuate slightly. This means the stem quantities may differ at different times of year.
The photos are the examples of different sizes available, to help with selecting your order.
Monday - 9am to 5pm,
Tuesday - 9am to 5pm,
Wednesday - 9am to 5pm,
Thursday - 9am to 5pm,
Friday - 9am to 5pm
Closed Saturday.
Closed Sunday.
Collection or local delivery available.
Delivery only to a 10 mile radius of Hawthorn (SR7 8SD). Delivery £5.
Collection from Hawthorn free.
Collection Address - Old post office, Hawthorn, Seaham, SR7 8SD.
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PriceFrom £30.00
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